Tuesday, August 12, 2008

3/4 Review

w/ Jason Payne and Hernan Diaz Alonso
August 11, 2008
(i'd like to post the recording of the review, but can't figure out how to upload an audio file. tried to gapcast thing to no avail. any suggestions?)

Instead of Science(fiction) remaining a domain for positivist and determinist propoganda, it should norish the seeds of our own monstrosity – our own loss of control and indeterminism, chaos theory and biogenetics – as a force striking alliance with harpies and earthly creatures, the Faustian dark side and the Strum und Drang, against the rationalist wigs and the works of Hegelian spirit, and open up to a world where even fears become fables, as lovely as they are carnal...

...Architecture is not something to be thought or produced later, like the standard bearer for a morality. It can only be negotiated live, in its contingency on a situation and its solubility in a set of givens. This critical and territorialized attitude is in sharp contrast to macrocynical flights of fancy (the market creates the form!)...and instead launches processes that reactivate the concept of throbbing, complex and unfinished localism.

- Francois Roche, (Science)Fiction & Mass Culture Crisis, 2003

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