Monday, September 24, 2007

open-source : research in profiles / profiling

My research at this point follows two tracks:

The first concerns open-source as a tactic: I will track the linage of open-source environments, from ARPANET to the speculative metagovernment prototype and beyond. The immediate interest is to understand the nature of profiles and profiling through these specific frameworks. The deeper goal is to conceptualize how and to what extent open-source tactics might be employed in the envisioning of Jerusalem 2050.

The second will be the development of an online collaborative space. Consisting of a collection of networked online entities, this space will function as an open-source research probe. The space will begin with some very basic automated linkages between this blog, my catalog and a wiki, and will grow to include more sophisticated, customized networking, visualization and organization tools. The intent is twofold: to take advantage of the expertise of a large network of friends, relatives and colleagues; and to test and experience first-hand the mechanisms of an open-source environment.

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