Friday, September 21, 2007

an uneducated manifesto, a starting point

language is a technology; the internet is becoming a language.

the conceptual power of the computing environment is fast migrating from the box to the network. applications and data are becoming increasingly native to the net and correspondingly independent of the box. computer intelligence is no longer a measure of power - the capacity to compute - but of connectivity - the capacity to engage, structure and reconfigure real-time data.

similarly, the critical debate in architecture must move beyond the blob vs. the box. the exploration of form as an end-in-itself is no longer delivering radical shifts. for the past ten years, architecture has focused on computationally intensive geometry. now, it must engage the territory presented by the network, both as a site for a new kind of architecture, and as a tool for rethinking the nature of design.

(This is only here so i an add it to my profile)

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